
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

a new year

Nine years ago, God laid it on my heart to write, and for nine years, I've valiantly fought it.
I started a few times, but all of those times eventually ended with a fiery crash.
Which then lead to discouragement, writer's  block, and a mindless hour-long Facebook newsfeed scroll.
See? I told myself over and over, again. You're not supposed to write, just forget about it. 
And, believe me, I tried. I tried to forget about it. I tried to convince myself that I had nothing important to say. That nothing I've been through, am going through, or will go through will help anyone.
Yet, here I am. Nine years later. The beginning of 2018. And guess what is still in the forefront of my thoughts? Write.
Through these nine years, I've re-named my book at least ten million different times, and not one of the titles felt right.
So I prayed. Crazy, huh? After nine years I finally prayed for God to show me what the title was supposed to be. The shared title of both my book and my blog. And guess whose tongue it rolled off of? My husband's.
On the endless list of things I could praise my husband for, this would have to be in the top 3. His ability to hear what God is speaking over him, myself and our family.
When he said it, it hit me hard.
One of those hard hits to the stomach that brings you to your knees.
Grace Has a Tattoo.
Every time I read or say those words, tears fill my eyes.
Those four little words have so much meaning.
I've been on an incredible journey over the last 9 years. God has allowed me to experience things that are beyond anything I would have ever been able to imagine on my own, and I'm finally going to be obedient and share it all.
When I think about how long nine years sounds, and how stubborn I've been- I like to envision God looking at me, shaking his head, and laughing under his breath.
Saying something like, It's about time.

And of course I'll probably write my motherhood journey (aka: my every day life), too!

So if you can handle some tears, some laughs, and a whole lot of Jesus...this is where you'll find it.